About Me
I started with my adventures in creatives with writing a children’s book. This was back in 1989. There I created my first short novel called, “Especially for Mr. Bunnie”. After creating the story I found it difficult to create the actual characters for this story. Years later I started doodling, trying to find the right look for my characters. From there I took all parts of the story and broke it down to what I thought would make interesting pages that would represent the words of my story. Bottom line there ended up being 25 pages of which I hand colored with coloring pencils. Fast forward and many cities later, as I traveled with my husband at the time, while in New York I sent my script and drawings to the Library of Congress and put a copyright on my creation.
From there and many cities later, I let it sit but in the back of my mind I wanted to create a short movie. That’s where my true adventures began!
I have dabbled in many free programs to see what I can create next. I started with a software called Anime. The first time I created a simple piece of land and watched it move how I wanted it to, I was hooked on the idea of animation!
I created 8 cartoon characters with “Anime Studio”. Later I animated all of them. Wanting to do more I was introduced to “Blender” it was version 2.7. There was all kinds of free tutorials on you tube so I tried several. Then I was introduced to Udemy and as you see on my home page, I have finished many a certificate from there.
In the meantime, I worked on creating my characters for my children’s story. Not liking the results at all, I changed the characters style.