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About Me

I started with my adventures in creatives with writing a children’s book. This was back in 1989. There I created my first short novel called, “Especially for Mr. Bunnie”. After creating the story I found it difficult to create the actual characters for this story. Years later I started doodling, trying to find the right look for my characters. From there I took all parts of the story and broke it down to what I thought would make interesting pages that would represent the words of my story. Bottom line there ended up being 25 pages of which I hand colored with coloring pencils. Fast forward and many cities later, as I traveled with my husband at the time, while in New York I sent my script and drawings to the Library of Congress and put a copyright on my creation.

From there and many cities later, I let it sit but in the back of my mind I wanted to create a short movie. That’s where my true adventures began!

I have dabbled in many free programs to see what I can create next. I started with a software called Anime. The first time I created a simple piece of land and watched it move how I wanted it to, I was hooked on the idea of animation!

I created 8 cartoon characters with “Anime Studio”. Later I animated all of them. Wanting to do more I was introduced to “Blender” it was version 2.7. There was all kinds of free tutorials on you tube so I tried several. Then I was introduced to Udemy and as you see on my home page, I have finished many a certificate from there.

In the meantime, I worked on creating my characters for my children’s story. Not liking the results at all, I changed the characters style. 

These are my Anime characters that really got me to thinking what else is possible in the world of creatives!

Mr. Bunnie was the very first creation.
